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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Pray For Someone You Love

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Please remember Christ-mas friendly merchants

Liberty Counsel "2012 Naughty & Nice List"
Liberty Counsel

Friday, June 29, 2012

What ever happened to the concept of the customer being always right?

We now need Christian/Godly entrepreneurs.
A new corporate has joined the PC corporate think tank - Kraft, which is under fire for their rainbow colored Oreo cookie poster.
The government, media, most retailers and corporate's now seem to have their heads together which are all espousing a party line which has been gaining in momentum over the past 4 or so years now.
Over the past 4 years or so several corporate's are under fire for donating to, or supporting, causes ranging from support for illegal aliens, active promotion of homosexuality, gay pride festivals, supporting festivals and media that outright promotes anti-Christian content, removing Christ from Christmas, indecency and pornography.  All the while many of these companies continued to present a deceptive family friendly face to the public.
American workers have been undercut at the outsourcing to other nations such as China.
It is getting more and more difficult to find in the retail stores items for Christmas that reflect the actual nativity or Angels.  [Home Depot was one retailer/corporate that did carry nativity oriented stuff, and had a good listing on their online store.  I'll give them kudos for that.]
I believe that it reflects an attitude or thinking of being too big to be monetarily hurt or fail ... or my home is simply being written off into the expendable loss category ... that most people are actually uninformed, not concerned or simply won't care.  Or is it since they went global other nations are influencing them to change to their way of thinking.
Many of these corporate's are global companies.
Global or not it is their american right to present whatever their "values" are, and it is my american right to present what my values are and to decide to whether or not to avoid their stuff.
My husband was really trying to adjust to avoiding many of the products, and now I know he is going to get disturbed over what I would have to tell him concerning more stuff that has been added to our to be avoided list.
Ok ... what to do now.
1.  I have to pray on this as to develop a new plan of action.
2.  Avoid the ones who have their heads together like this.
Continue to pay off and close credit avenues.
Convenience foods are not good for people anyway.
3.  Do an online search of Christian/Godly retailers that are online and in my local area.
4.  Support local farmers.
5.  Dust off my cookbooks.
6.  Do some letter writing.  Look up the corporate's to see where they are located and to learn more about them.
7. Un-like any of corporate's I have "liked" on Facebook.
8. Save the money that I would have spent and give it to my local food bank
My interpretation of the old adage of "the customer is always right", means that it is not good business sense to support controversial stuff that would alienate or offend any potential customer.
There are many uplifting to the community causes such as helping the poor with food, creating plants to make clean drinking water or help build homes ... stuff that we can all agree on.  [Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Doctors Without Borders are just some examples.]
Remaining neutral in this culture shifting process is not a bad thing.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Catholic League vs Jon Stewart

A boycott of Jon Stewart is being proposed due to a distinct crossing of the civil line.  In the article Kraft is listed as one of the sponsors of Mr. Stewart's show, and I am hoping that once they review this they will pull their sponsorship in light of this disgraceful turn of events.
Comedy Central is a repeat offender in this area, and am already boycotting their products.  Viacom has not been strong in dealing with Comedy Central in the past and I am not hopeful of any other change.
Kraft is another matter however and have a pretty sterling image at the moment.
After viewing the photo I now have a letter of protest to Kraft to write, and the Catholic League was not wrong at all in saying how bad it is.  I'll post a copy of my letter and any response that I would receive.
I look forward to any feedback on this.
Campaign Against Jon Stewart Begins

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Charters Of Freedom

"Making Of The Charters".  "The Declaration".  "The Constitution".  "The Bill Of Rights".  "Impact Of The Charters".

Friday, March 12, 2010

We Are Now Swearing Off Of The Girl Scout Cookies In My Home

I am totally disgusted.

Planned Parenthood Distributes Graphic Sex Guide at Girl Scouts UN Meeting

Not Your Mother's Girl Scouts

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Compassionate Friends - Worldwide Candle Lighting

Worldwide Candle Lighting Video
Worldwide Candle Lighting

The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honor and remember children who have died at any age from any cause. As candles are lit at 7 p.m. local time, creating a virtual wave of light, hundreds of thousands of persons commemorate and honor children in a way that transcends all ethnic, cultural, religious, and political boundaries.

The Compassionate Friends - Home

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brad Pitt: "Religion Doesn't Make Sense To Me..."

. Brad Pitt: Religion Doesn't Make Sense To Me, Gay Marriage Does.

. Brad Pitt Defends Gay Marriage, Talks Love, Pot And Grotto Sex

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Started March 29, 2005

-In Remembrance of:
--Shawn Earhart
--Theresa Marie Schindler (Schiavo)--Pope John Paul II - Karol Wojtyła.
--Walter Sharp--Jonathan Brickhouse--Trinity Nicole Casey--Anibal Cruz
--Daniel Agosto--Jesstin "Manny" Pagan--Dylan Groene--LaToyia Figueroa
--Baby Figueroa--Reese "Barry" Robertson--Brice Edwards--James Zadroga
--Leona McCleary.
Tallmansville, West Virginia-Sago Miners:
--Alva Martin Bennett--Jim Bennett --Jerry Groves--Terry Helms
--David Lewis--Martin Toler--Fred Ware Junior --Marshall Winans
--Jack Weaver--Thomas P. Anderson--George Hamner Jr.
--Jesse L. Jones--William Lee "Flea" Chisolm--John Nelson Boni.
Melville, West Virginia- Alma Miners: --Don Israel Bragg
--Ellery "Elvis" Hatfield.
--Kelsey Ann Smith--Daniel Benoit--Tammy Faye Messner--Donald Herbert
-- Caylee Marie Anthony -- Eluana Englaro

Monday, May 25, 2009

An Email Response From The Catholic League

Subject: Your Letter
From: Catalyst
Sent: Wed 5/20/09 2:51 PM
Dear Rev. Earhart:
Thank you for contacting the league. While the American Family Association is a good group, the league focuses on anti-Catholicism and thus is not involved in this boycott against Pepsi. I hope you understand that we have limited time, staff and resources and have to focus on the issue for which the league was founded. AFA and similar organizations are fighting the culture war based on the issues for which they were created. I hope you understand and we appreciate that you contacted us about this issue.
Susan A. Fani
Director of Communications
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
450 Seventh AvenueNew York, NY 10123
fax: 212-371-3394

My 05.05.09 Letter To The Catholic League

Page one of two. Fax to: 212 - 371 - 3394
May 05, 2009
Catholic League

450 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10123
(212) 371-3191
Fax: (212) 371-3394
Hello, and to whom it may concern:
I am writing to ask a question concerning the boycott that the American Family Association has called against PepsiCo. I receive email alerts from you, and have noticed that I have not seen any mention of support of the Catholic League in regards to this boycott. It could be simply an oversight on my part and missed the alert that announced your full support of the boycott.
I am writing to ask you what your opinion is, and the Catholic League's stance is, in regards to the AFA boycott of PepsiCo. I am also interested if there is an opinion on the boycott of HP products and of Campbell's soup as well.
The Catholic school that is a part of my local church utilizes Campbell soup labels. I sent an email to the director of the school to bring this issue to her attention, but have not heard back. It is my plan to write to the priest of Sacred Heart of Royersford to let him know of the controversy in case he is unaware of Campbells Soup decision to fully support the homosexual agenda. A boycott is posted on the AFA site.
Page two of two:
I find this to be a troubling issue, and is going to take a strong show of Christian unity in order to make headway. I look forward to your response on this.
Many blessings of peace to you,
Assuredly in faith,
Rev. Marguerite Earhart
P.O. Box 313,
Spring City, PA 19475

Sunday, May 10, 2009

About Human Rights Campaign - HRC

Someone wrote to me suggesting to me that I check out HRC site and sponsors.

Human Rights Campaign - HRC

- Who We Are
The Human Rights Campaign represents a grassroots force of over 750,000 members and supporters nationwide. As the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, HRC envisions an America where LGBT people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.

- Our History
Ever since its founding in 1980, HRC has led the way in promoting fairness for LGBT Americans.

- Our Board
HRC’s board has long been one of the top forces behind the organization’s success.

- Our Staff
The Human Rights Campaign’s staff works tirelessly to ensure progress toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality.

- About Our HRC Building
The HRC building, located in Washington, D.C., is a visible symbol of HRC’s drive to achieve full equality for LGBT Americans.

- Supporting Fair Minded Candidates
HRC invests strategically in the campaigns of political candidates who will support pro-equality legislation when they arrive in their new offices.

- Advisory Councils
Outside advisors can prove vital to the pursuit of equality.

. Religion Council

- HRC National Corporate Sponsors:






. A pay-it-forward production.

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