We now need Christian/Godly entrepreneurs.
A new corporate has joined the PC corporate think tank - Kraft, which is under fire for their rainbow colored Oreo cookie poster.
The government, media, most retailers and corporate's now seem to have their heads together which are all espousing a party
line which has been gaining in momentum over the past 4 or so years now.
Over the past 4 years or so several corporate's are under fire for donating to, or supporting, causes ranging from support for illegal aliens, active promotion of homosexuality, gay pride festivals, supporting festivals and media that outright promotes anti-Christian content, removing Christ from Christmas, indecency and pornography. All the while many of these companies continued to present a deceptive family friendly face to the public.
American workers have been undercut at the outsourcing to other nations such as China.
It is getting more and more difficult to find in the retail stores items for Christmas that reflect the actual nativity or Angels. [Home Depot was one retailer/corporate that did carry nativity oriented stuff, and had a good listing on their online store. I'll give them kudos for that.]
I believe that it reflects an attitude or thinking of being too big to be monetarily hurt or fail ... or my home is simply being written off into the expendable loss category ... that most people are actually uninformed, not concerned or simply won't care. Or is it since they went global other nations are influencing them to change to their way of thinking.
Many of these corporate's are global companies.
Global or not it is their american right to present whatever their "values" are, and it is my american right to present what my values are and to decide to whether or not to avoid their stuff.
My husband was really trying to adjust to avoiding many of the products, and now I know he is going to get disturbed over what I would have to tell him concerning more stuff that has been added to our to be avoided list.
Ok ... what to do now.
1. I have to pray on this as to develop a new plan of action.
2. Avoid the ones who have their heads together like this.
Continue to pay off and close credit avenues.
Convenience foods are not good for people anyway.
3. Do an online search of Christian/Godly retailers that are online and in my local area.
4. Support local farmers.
5. Dust off my cookbooks.
6. Do some letter writing. Look up the corporate's to see where they are located and to learn more about them.
7. Un-like any of corporate's I have "liked" on Facebook.
8. Save the money that I would have spent and give it to my local food bank
My interpretation of the old adage of "the customer is always right", means that it is not good business sense to support controversial stuff that would alienate or offend any potential customer.
There are many uplifting to the community causes such as helping the poor with food, creating plants to make clean drinking water or help build homes ... stuff that we can all agree on. [Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Doctors Without Borders are just some examples.]
Remaining neutral in this culture shifting process is not a bad thing.