My Boycott Ambition
"Every Small Candle Lights A Corner Of The Dark, And The Darkness Cannot Overcome it".
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Friday, March 12, 2010
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Le Niche Ministries ... A Non-Denominational - Bible Promoting - Ministry
Are you sure you have your facts straight? Why would an organization hand out a Handbook called How to Live with HIV to Girl Scouts? Did you contact the Girl Scouts? What about planned parenthood. Being a leader like you are means you need to make sure you investigate these things before you spread them. What did you find out?
Official Statment from the Girl Scouts (group which teaches girls in every meeting's pledge to do their best for God and country) -
Earlier this month, Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) was honored to attend and participate in the 54th Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations, where girls were encouraged to take action on global issues concerning women and girls. Our participation in that conference was recently the subject of numerous internet stories and blogs that are factually inaccurate and troubling. Here are the facts of that meeting:
• The Girls Only Workshop was jointly hosted by Girl Scouts of the USA, UNICEF’s Working Group on Girls, Girls Learn International and The Grail. The meeting was only open to the girls and participating sponsors.
• Only seven adults were in the room at the time of the meeting, each representing one of the sponsors of the event. No one from Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute was in the room to report on the event.
• 30 - 35 girls from across the world participated in this event. All teenagers.
• The girls received a copy of the only document they were working on titled (“The Girls’ Statement”). No other documents were given to the girls as part of this event.
• The room in question was also used to host other events over the course of the multi-day conference. Prior to our girls entering the room, we did not “sanitize’ the room to ensure that no trash or other items were left behind. We did request that those not associated with the sponsors to leave the room prior to our session.
• The Girl Scouts of the USA was not contacted by Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute (C-FAM) regarding its initial story to discuss the facts of this event. Had they applied these basic journalistic standards, perhaps the true details of this event would have been reported.
The Girl Scout organization does not take a position on family planning. Our membership is a cross-section of America with regard to opinions on religious and social issues and practices. We believe these matters are best decided by girls and their families.
The Girl Scout organization has no affiliation with any political organization.
Our Mission in Girl Scouting is to build girls of courage, confidence and character – who make the world a better place. We continue to be proud of our girls and look forward to showing the world what our girls can do. We thank everyone for their support of Girl Scouting.
I think you are okay to buy your thin mints this year.
Greetings Anon:
Thank you for your interest in this posting and for your comments.
I find one point in this to be relevant ...
"The room in question was also used to host other events over the course of the multi-day conference. Prior to our girls entering the room,we did not “sanitize’ [sic] the room to ensure that no trash or other items were left behind."
The official statement does not dismiss the complaints that offending material was in view or available to the teens attending in a CLOSED DOOR meeting.
The Girl Scouts cannot say with a certainty that Planned Parenthood material was not placed on a table, and say that they did not check the room ... or simply did not think to do that.
Planned Parenthood and the United Nations have agendas in relation to 'reproductive' issues. Planned Parenthood is a multi-billion dollar industry and would not think twice in furthering their mission aims.
Because it was a CLOSED DOOR meeting involving certain only 'sponsors' ... closed even to parents ... this in and of itself is suspect.
I was a Girl Scout and really liked it. The offical statement reflects what it is that I understand from my own earlier experience. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt.
My intent is to not bust on the Girl Scouts ... but I see reason for concern. One leaflet that was mentioned to be seen laying about is particularly offensive.
Due to the troubled times, and these aggressive indoctrinating influences, suspect is suspect.
I'm finding that the bristling I'm feeling from the official statement does not dispel this issue.
Maybe they need to be more keenly aware of these subversive influences and what their ultimate agenda is - which is to undermine the Girl Scouts.
The Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute would not be the enemy but are watchdogs of these influences.
The fact that the Girl Scouts are bristling and don't see that makes me wonder ... and if the GSofA dropped the ball in not being aware of what is in the plain sight of their charges then maybe they have earned this suspicion.
As far any public child care is concerned or in relation to caregivers to children/young people it is a red flag on any CLOSED DOOR activities in relation to a parent's child. A parent should not be told, prevented, restrained from or told that they cannot see or be physically involved with what is happening to, or presented to, their children.
The GSofA is a trusted organization. I would like to see them remain that way.
I find discussion to be a good thing, and I appreciate your feedback.
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