Today is September 3, 2007 - And Today is Labor Day.
Happy Labor Day everybody! (I had to work though.)
I was watching the Ellen Show, and guess what.
I saw my first Christmas commercial.
For 'Bringing In The Holidays' at Longwood Gardens.
It is not even close to the first day of fall yet. The commercial had snow scenes.
It's getting earlier every year.
The commercial was festive however, even if it did hurt my eyes. (They were showing snow scenes on Ellen too.)
I'm looking for the article link over at I haven't found where it is listed yet on their site. I'll post it when I find it.
I saw the commercial again today-9.4.07- near The Ellen Show.
The advertisement is for a Choir Talent Competition that supposedly NBC10 is sponsoring.
Longwood Gardens is very beautiful to see. If you can arrange a chance to go it is worth the trip. Don't forget your walking shoes though!
I haven't had the chance to go as of yet - to my dismay, but plan to change that. I figured out recently where it is located, and want very much to go.
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