My eLetter To Quaker Oats
This Concerns: Other
I am inspired to write to you to let you know my feelings concerning an article that I read on LifeSite News, and the American Family Association Action Alert in regards to PepsiCo.
I see that you are affiliated with PepsiCo.
I mainly buy your product "Quaker *Oat Meal", and do like the product.
I want to let you know that I am supporting the American Family Association call for a boycott of PepsiCo in regards to it's decision to reject a call for neutrality in regards to an activist position in support of - and in promotion of - the normalization of homosexuality and related endeavors.
I wanted to let you know that I will not be purchasing Quaker Oats products in support of this boycott.
My belief is that companies/corporates who promote - or wish to promote - a family friendly/supportive - image should remain neutral in regards to such a heated and controversial issue.
I do not support the normalization, or the promotion of the blanket acceptance, of homosexuality, and believe that it undermines the foundation of the American family and the institution of traditional marriage values.
But in American society one - even companies/corporates have the constitutional right to support - or promote - what they wish to.
As an American I also have the right to protest and/or boycott those issues I do not agree with.
I am fully supporting this boycott of PepsiCo products.
I appreciate your time, or any response that you may have concerning my protest.
Assertively in faith,
Rev. Marguerite Earhart
Spring City, PA 19475
.Pepsi Gives $1,000,000 to Advance Homosexualist Agenda
. PepsiCo gives $1,000,000 to help promote the gay agenda
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*I realize now seeing my group post I misspelled this.
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