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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mexico Fans 'Stick It' to the U.S.

Mexico Fans 'Stick It' to the U.S.

After Radioshack dropped out, a Mexican newspaper has found a new U.S. corporate sponsor to help put a voodoo hex on the U.S. national soccer team, and end Mexico's decade-long losing streak. (Feb. 7)


I think this is totally uncool of Blockbuster. Kudo's to RadioShack for deciding to not sell Voodoo dolls geared against a U.S. Team, and doing the right thing.

My husband and I are considering cancelling our membership to Blockbuster since they seem to be more supportive of Mexico than our U.S.A. team.

If a mojo or hex is cast wrongfully against someone to hurt them it can boomerang back on to the person or company wrongfully casting it - or in the supporting of the wrong. There are consequences when using magic - especially in regards to personal gain.

Blockbuster - an American company so I thought - should decide to stay neutral in such things. If they think this is just supporting fun, campy stuff and/or it doesn't actually mean anything they should look further into it.

Not cool Blockbuster.

I have a letter to write to them - among a few others - this week.


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