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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lipton Tea/Unilever Information

I did some looking up on Lipton Tea. They are still listed on PepsiCo Products and Partnerships site page as a Partnership.

- Lipton (Partnership)
Lipton Brisk
Lipton Iced Tea
Lipton Pure Leaf

In my search to look up their American Corporate Mailing address I found out some interesting info.

Lipton Tea is part of Unilever. [A very large global corporation]

Unilever United States, Inc. is a member of the Unilever U.S. group of companies ("Unilever").

- Corporate U.S.A. address:
800 Sylvan Avenue
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632

When I looked up Lipton Tea they do not list an American mailing address. Somewhere along the line Lipton moved overseas listing a France Corporate address and a phone number in Belgium. Unilever lists a U.K. and The Netherlands as their registered Corporates, but does have an American Corporate office.

-France :
Service consommateurs Lipton - Unilever France
23, rue Francois Jacob 92842 Reuil - Malmaison Cedex
Tel.: 0 810 801 140 (prix appel local)

E-Mail :

Belgium :
Tel : 078 152213

I have already stopped buying Lipton products [I'm not certain about an Iced Tea that I had at Applebees. The waitress didn't tell me for certain. Next time plain water. Since KFC and Applebees only offer PepsiCo products I plan to be really slow in going back.]

My husband was not happy with the only ONE choice of drink company option. He is a bit more of a liberal to moderate leaning to my more moderate to conservative leanings - which has been a bit of a challenge at times. :)

I'm sending my formal letter - at the moment - to the American address for Unilever. I have to condense my letter to fit email boxes - unless I'm blocked once again like I was on Frito Lay.

International mailing can be a bit expensive depending on what you mail - and usually have funky addresses. [I actually have been starting to hate mailing overseas due to just that.]

With this boycott called by American Family Association I have been learning more about the products that I have routinely bought without giving a thought really to the companies behind them. So it's been good for me just for that alone.

I'll post more on this later.


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