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Friday, September 28, 2007

September 28, 2007
Pelosi’s Response is Beyond Belief

According to
this article from Cybercast News Service (CNS News), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked about the poster for the Folsom Street Fair (it depicts the Last Supper with men in S&M outfits replacing Christ and the apostles and sex toys replacing the Eucharistic) she responded as follows. Her response, and the full question asked by the CNS resporter, is below:
. "I'd like to get local for a second and talk about what's going on in San Francisco. Your spokesman told the Bay Area Reporter that the Folsom Street Fair advertisement mocking the last supper would not harm Christianity. I'm wondering if you find the advertisement personally offensive."

"And as a follow up, the city's Grants for the Arts program, funded by the city's hotel tax, subsidizes the fair. Do you think that it's fair to tax everyone who visits San Francisco and stays in a hotel to support the fair?"

Pelosi: "Well that's not really a local question. That's a constitutional question. That's a religious question. That's as big a global question as you can ask. I'm a big believer in First Amendment and therefore, as I said in my statement, I do not believe that Christianity has been harmed by the Folsom Street Fair advertising."



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