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Sunday, October 7, 2007

I don't think I heard someone say this as of yet, because everybody has been so shocked and angry.

Thank you Darrin Tuck for turning the video into the police which brought to light what Chester "Chet" Arthur Stiles has been doing - which hopefully - God Willing - will bring him to justice soon.

If I had found a video such as this, I honestly would have turned it into the police sooner. Whether it was out of fear of being arrested - which happened - not knowing what to do, or for whatever reason the tape was not turned in sooner - the point is Darrin did try to do the right thing, and turned over the video.

Darrin did take the risk and did the right thing.

I'm thankful that 'Madison' is still with us, and for the most part ok.

I noticed with the news reports that Darrin isn't getting any credit at all for doing the right and good thing - even if it is belated.

Darrin does look guilty about something - But on this video tape he did the right thing. I'm glad that Darrin didn't decide to burn the tape instead rather than turn it in.

My point is maybe he can be given a bit of a break.

»Fugitive Case File: Darrin Tuck


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