Live Search Club
I learned about this today, and like it a lot. On Live Search-IE7-I noticed that if you sign up and play selected games, and do Live Search on your account home page, you can have tickets which have value to a charity or school that you pick. I signed up for my local Church school.
It seems to be a good way to give to a favorite - listed - charity or school. (They have Christian schools listed.)
Live Search Club
An Update:
I had trouble with
I had trouble with Adobe Flash Player - which you would need to play games on this site. Adobe doesn't have a fix for the problem at the moment.
I also had to in Internet Options allow the site under 'Privacy' as an ok site, and to allow cookies. When I made this change I haven't had any more trouble with the site - at least at the moment.
I'm reposting this since I have been able to overcome the bugs. I like 'Seekadoo' and 'Chicktionary' a lot.
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